To ensure safety for this year’s storm season, since early this year, Haiphong Green Tree Park JSC,  has mobilized forces, vehicles and concentrated for the peak period, consolidated the urban green tree system, ensured safety for assets and human life.

Since early this year, the company has reviewed more than 27,000 urban green trees along the streets, parks and offices in the area; chopped down nearly 20 decayed trees and pruned canopies for more than 10,000t trees. Remarkably, more than 40% of 27,000 urban green trees managed by the Green Tree Park JSC., are flamboyant trees, which have short life-span and destructive in storm, therefore, the company has specially cared for and raised high responsibility in reviewing and tending for this species.

It is slated in 2021, the company will deploy 4 peak periods before the raining season to prune and reject sort out the decayed ones to protect the life for city’s dwellers. Besides, the company has also numbered the trees in turn. By now, as many as 15,000 trees have been numbered in turn, updated the quantity, location, route, species; identify those need preserving; using software for management to increase the efficiency in managing, inspecting and tending the green trees./.
