Decision No. 2638/2016 / QD-UBND dated October 28, 2016 of the People’s Committee of Haiphong city promulgating the Regulations on the functions, tasks, and organization structure of the Haiphong Department of Planning and Investment.
Haiphong Department of Planning and Investment is a specialized agency of the People’s Committee of Haiphong city, which functions as a consultancy and assists the City People’s Committee in managing planning and investment, including the management of domestic and foreign investment in the city; management of official development assistance (ODA) sources, concessional loans from donors, foreign non-governmental aids; Business registration within the city; providing public services within the scope of state management of the Department in accordance with the law.
Monthly in 10th, chairman of the People’s Committee will chair a Dialogue to Enterprises to listen to and solve difficulties, obstacles and recommendations of investors / businessmen.